- Hengbin Cheng, Jingyu Yang, Zhong Wang, Ling Lu
"Observation of monopole topological mode"
Nature Communications 15, 7327 (2024)
Chinese news
- Xiaolei Hu, Zhengran Wu, Zhilin Li, Qiunan Xu, Kun Chen, Wei Hu, Zhuang Ni, Kui Jin, Hongming Weng, Ling Lu
"High-throughput search for lossless metals"
Phy. Rev. Materials 6, 065203 (2022)
- Lechen Yang, Guangrui Li, Xiaomei Gao, Ling Lu
"Topological-cavity surface-emitting laser"
Nature Photonics 16, 279 (2022)
Chinese news
English news
- Yi-Xin Sha, Bo-Yuan Liu, Hao-Zhe Gao, Heng-Bin Cheng, Hai-Li Zhang, Ming-Yao Xia, Steven G. Johnson, Ling Lu
"Surface density-of-states on semi-infinite topological photonic and acoustic crystals"
Phys. Rev. B 104, 115131 (2021)
- Heejae Kim, Hengbin Cheng, Ling Lu, and Shuichi Murakami
"Theoretical analysis of glide-Z2 magnetic topological photonic crystals"
Optics Express 29, 31164-31178 (2021)
- Ling Lu
"eLighting up the future" (News & Views)
Light: Science & Applications 10, 118 (2021)
- Hao Lin, Ling Lu
"Dirac-vortex topological photonic crystal fibre"
Light: Science & Applications 9, 202 (2020)
Chinese news
English news
- Xiaomei Gao, Lechen Yang, Hao Lin, Lang Zhang, Jiafang Li, Fang Bo, Zhong Wang, Ling Lu
"Dirac-vortex topological cavities"
Nature Nanotechnology 15, 1012-1018 (2020)
News & Views;
Chinese news
"Top 10 Chinese optics news" by both Chinese Laser Press and Light10; "Top 10 Chinese optics progress"
- A. Alexandradinata, J. Höller, Chong Wang, Hengbin Cheng, Ling Lu
"Crystallographic splitting theorem for band representations and fragile topological photonic crystals"
Phys. Rev. B 102, 115117 (2020)
- Yueshan Xu, Jianzhou Zhao, Changjiang Yi, Qi Wang, Qiangwei Yin, Yilin Wang, Xiaolei Hu, Luyang Wang, Enke Liu, Gang Xu, Ling Lu, Alexey A. Soluyanov, Hechang Lei, Youguo Shi, Jianlin Luo, Zhi-Guo Chen
"Electronic correlations and flattened band in magnetic Weyl semimetal candidate Co3Sn2S2"
Nature Communications 11, 3985 (2020)
- Tiantian Zhang, Ling Lu, Shuichi Murakami, Zhong Fang, Hongming Weng, Chen Fang
"Diagnosis scheme for topological degeneracies crossing high-symmetry lines"
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 022066(R) (2020)
- Hengbin Cheng, Yixin Sha, Rongjuan Liu, Chen Fang, Ling Lu
"Discovering topological surface states of Dirac points"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 104301 (2020)
- Hua-Zhou Chen, Tuo Liu, Hong-Yi Luan, Rong-Juan Liu, Xing-Yuan Wang, Xue-Feng Zhu, Yuan-Bo Li, Zhong-Ming Gu, Shan-Jun Liang, He Gao, Ling Lu, Li Ge, Shuang Zhang, Jie Zhu, Ren-Min Ma
"Revealing the missing dimension at an exceptional point"
Nature Physics 16, 571-578 (2020)
- Ang Chen, Wenzhe Liu, Yiwen Zhang, Bo Wang, Xiaohan Liu, Lei Shi, Ling Lu, Jian Zi
"Observing vortex polarization singularities at optical band degeneracies"
Phys. Rev. B, 99, 180101(R) (2019)
- Tomoki Ozawa, Hannah M. Price, Alberto Amo, Nathan Goldman, Mohammad Hafezi, Ling Lu, Mikael Rechtsman, David Schuster, Jonathan Simon, Oded Zilberberg, Iacopo Carusotto
"Topological photonics"
Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 015006 (2019)
- Ling Lu, Haozhe Gao, Zhong Wang
"Topological one-way fiber of second Chern number"
Nature Communications 9, 5384 (2018)
Chinese news arXiv:1611.01998
- Ling Lu
"Topology on a breadboard" (News & Views)
Nature Physics 14, 873-880 (2018)
- Zhiguang Liu, Huifeng Du, Jiafang Li, Ling Lu, Zhi-Yuan Li, Nicholas X. Fang
"Nano-kirigami with giant optical chirality"
Science Advances 4, eaat4436 (2018)
- Haruki Watanabe, Ling Lu
"Space group theory of photonic bands"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 263903 (2018)
- Ling Lu, Rongjuan Liu, Xiulai Xu, Chen Ge, Kuijuan Jin, Li Wang, and Guozhen Yang
"Light-matter interactions" [Sponsored Collection | Humble Beginning, Bright Future: Institute of Physics (CAS) at 90]
Science Vol. 360, Issue 6389, pp. 673 (2018)
- Dexin Ye, Bin Zheng, Ling Lu
"About invisibility" (popular science in Chinese)
WuLi 47, 253 (2018)
Cover page
- Boyuan Liu, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos, Ling Lu
"Generalized Gilat-Raubenheimer method for density-of-states calculation in photonic crystals"
Journal of Optics 20, 044005 (2018)
Source codes are available at github
- Biao Yang, Qinghua Guo, Ben Tremain, Rongjuan Liu, Lauren E. Barr, Qinghui Yan, Wenlong Gao, Hongchao Liu, Yuanjiang Xiang, Jing Chen, Chen Fang, Alastair Hibbins, Ling Lu, Shuang Zhang
"Ideal Weyl points and helicoid surface states in artificial photonic crystal structures"
Science 359, Issue 6379, pp1013-1016 (2018)
- Yiwen Zhang, Ang Chen, Wenzhe Liu, Chia Wei Hsu, Fang Guan, Xiaohan Liu, Lei Shi, Ling Lu, Jian Zi
"Observation of optical vortices in momentum space"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 186103 (2018)
- Qinghui Yan, Rongjuan Liu, Zhongbo Yan, Boyuan Liu, Hongsheng Chen, Zhong Wang, Ling Lu
"Experimental discovery of nodal chains"
Nature Physics 14, 461-464 (2018)
- Tiantian Zhang, Zhida Song, A. Alexandradinata, Hongming Weng, Chen Fang, Ling Lu, Zhong Fang
"Double-Weyl phonons in transition-metal monosilicides" Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 016401 (2018)
- Ming Zhou, Lei Ying, Ling Lu, Lei Shi, Jian Zi, Zongfu Yu
"Electromagnetic Scattering Laws in Weyl Systems" Nature Communications 8, 1388 (2017)
- Ren Bi, Zhongbo Yan, Ling Lu, Zhong Wang
"Nodal-knot semimetals" Phys. Rev. B 96, 201305(R) (2017)
- Zhongbo Yan, Ren Bi, Huitao Shen, Ling Lu, Shou-Cheng Zhang, Zhong Wang
"Nodal-link semimetals"
Phys. Rev. B 96, 041103(R) (2017)
- Zhaoju Yang, Meng Xiao, Fei Gao, Ling Lu, Yidong Chong, Baile Zhang
"Weyl points in a magnetic tetrahedral photonic crystal"
Optics Express, Vol. 14, pp. 15772 (2017)
- Dafei Jin, Thomas Christensen, Marin Soljačić, Nicholas X. Fang, Ling Lu, Xiang Zhang
"Infrared Topological Plasmons in Graphene"
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 118, pp. 245301 (2017)
- Ren Bi, Zhongbo Yan, Ling Lu, Zhong Wang
"Topological defects in Floquet systems: Anomalous chiral modes and topological invariant"
Phys. Rev. B, 95, 161115(R) (2017)
- Dafei Jin, Ling Lu, Zhong Wang, Chen Fang, John D Joannopoulos, Marin Soljačić, Liang Fu, Nicholas X. Fang
"Topological magnetoplasmon"
Nature Communications 7, 13486 (2016)
- Ling Lu, John D Joannopoulos, Marin Soljačić
"Topological states in photonic systems" Nature Physics, 12, 626-629 (2016) [URL] [PDF]
- Chen Fang, Ling Lu, Junwei Liu, Liang Fu
"Topological semimetals with helicoid surface states"
Nature Physics 12, 936-941 (2016)
MIT news,
Chinese news
- Fei Gao, Zhen Gao, Xihang Shi, Zhaoju Yang, Xiao Lin, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljačić, Hongsheng Chen, Ling Lu, Yidong Chong, Baile Zhang
"Probing the limits of topological protection in a designer surface plasmon structure"
Nature Communications 7, 11619 (2016)
- Dexin Ye, Ling Lu, John D Joannopoulos, Marin Soljačić, Lixin Ran
"Invisible Metallic Mesh"
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 113, 2568-2572 (2016)
- Ling Lu, Chen Fang, Liang Fu, Steven G Johnson, John D Joannopoulos, Marin Soljačić
"Symmetry-protected topological photonic crystal in three dimensions "
Nature Physics, 12, 337-340 (2016)
- Scott Skirlo, Ling Lu, Yuichi Igarashi, Qinghui Yan, John Joannopoulos, Marin Soljačić
"Experimental Observation of Large Chern numbers in Photonic Crystals"
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 115, pp. 253901 (2015)
Jorge Bravo-Abad, Ling Lu, Liang Fu, Hrvoje Buljan and Marin Soljačić
"Weyl points in photonic-crystal superlattices"
2D Materials, Vol. 2, no. 3, Focus on Artificial Graphene, (2015)
- Pai Wang, Ling Lu, Katia Bertoldi
"Topological Phononic Crystals with One-Way Elastic Edge Waves"
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 115, pp. 104302 (2015)
- Bo Zhen, Chia Wei Hsu, Yuichi Igarashi, Ling Lu, Ido Kaminer, Adi Pick, Song-Liang Chua, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljačić
"Spawning rings of exceptional points out of Dirac cones"
Nature 525, 354-358 (2015)
- Ling Lu, Zhiyu Wang, Dexin Ye, Lixin Ran, Liang Fu, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljačić
"Experimental observation of Weyl points"
Science, Vol. 349, no. 6248, pp. 622-624 (2015)
Tena Dubček, Colin J. Kennedy, Ling Lu, Wolfgang Ketterle, Marin Soljačić, Hrvoje Buljan
"Weyl points in three-dimensional optical lattices: synthetic magnetic monopoles in momentum space"
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 114, pp. 225301 (2015)
- Scott Skirlo, Ling Lu and Marin Soljačić
"Binary matrices of optimal autocorrelations as alignment marks"
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Vol. 33, pp. 021601 (2015)
- Bo Zhen, Chia Wei Hsu, Ling Lu, A. Doug Stone, Marin Soljačić
"Topological nature of bound states in the radiation continuum"
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 113, pp. 257401 (2014)
- Ling Lu, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljačić
"Topological photonics"
Nature Photonics, Vol. 8, No. 11, P. 821-829 (2014)
- Scott Skirlo, Ling Lu and Marin Soljačić
"Multimode one-way waveguides of large Chern numbers"
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 113, pp. 113904 (2014)
- Song-Liang Chua, Ling Lu, Jorge Bravo-Abad, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljačić
"Larger-area single-mode photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers enabled by an accidental Dirac point"
Optics Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 7, pp. 2072-2075 (2014)
- Ling Lu, Liang Fu, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljačić
"Weyl points and line nodes in gyroid photonic crystals"
Nature Photonics, Vol. 7, No. 4, P. 294-299 (2013)
- Ling Lu, Lin Lee Cheong, Henry I. Smith, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljačić
"Three-dimensional photonic crystals by large-area membrane stacking"
Optics Letters, Vol. 37, Issue 22, P. 4726-4728 (2012)
- Ling Lu, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljačić
"Waveguiding at the edge of a three-dimensional photonic crystal"
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 108, Issue 24, pp. 243901, (2012)
- Ling Lu, Adam Mock and John O'Brien
"Efficient coupling between a photonic crystal nanocavity and a waveguide with directional end-facet emission"
Journal of Optics, Vol. 14, Issue 5, pp. 055502, (2012)
- Adam Mock, Ling Lu and John O'Brien
"Space group theory and Fourier space analysis of two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides"
Physical Review B, Vol. 81, Issue 15, pp. 155115, (2010)
- Ling Lu, Adam Mock, Eui Hyun Hwang, John O'Brien, P. Daniel Dapkus
"High peak power efficient edge-emitting photonic crystal nanocavity lasers"
Optics Letters, Vol. 34, Issue 17, pp. 2646-2648, (2009)
- Ling Lu, Adam Mock, Mahmood Bagheri, Jiang-Rong Cao, Sang-Jun Choi, John O'Brien, P. Daniel Dapkus
"Gain compression and thermal analysis of a sapphire-bonded photonic crystal microcavity laser"
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 21, Issue 17, pp. 1166-1168, (2009)
- Adam Mock, Ling Lu, Eui Hyun Hwang, John O'Brien and P. Daniel Dapkus
"Modal analysis of photonic crystal double heterostructure laser cavities"
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 15, Issue 3, pp.892-900, (2009)
- Ling Lu, Adam Mock, Tian Yang, Min Hsiung Shih, Eui Hyun Hwang, Mahmood Bagheri, Andrew Stapleton, Stephen Farrell, John O'Brien and P. Daniel Dapkus
"120 μW peak output power from edge-emitting photonic crystal double-heterostructure nanocavity lasers"
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 94, Issue 11, p. 111101, (2009)
- Ling Lu, Adam Mock, Mahmood Bagheri, Eui Hyun Hwang, John O'Brien and P. Daniel Dapkus
"Double-heterostructure photonic crystal lasers with lower thresholds and higher slope efficiencies obtained by quantum well intermixing "
Optics Express Vol. 16, Issue 22, pp. 17342-17347, (2008)
Adam Mock, Ling Lu, and J. D. O'Brien
"Spectral properties of photonic crystal double heterostructure resonant cavities"
Optics Express, Vol. 16, Issue 13, pp. 9391-9397 (2008)
Tian Yang, Ling Lu, Min-Hsiung Shih, J. D. O'Brien, Ganesh Balakrishnan and D. L. Huffaker
"Room temperature InGaSb quantum well microcylinder lasers at 2μm grown monolithically on a silicon substrate" Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B,
Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 1622-1625 (2007)
M.H. Shih, Wan Kuang, Tian Yang, Mahmood Bagheri, Zhi-Jian Wei, Sang-Jun Choi, Ling Lu; John D. O'Brien and P. Daniel Dapkus
characterization of the optical loss of sapphire-bonded photonic
crystal laser cavities" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,
Vol. 18, Issue 3, 535-537, (2006)