Research areas
1. Photonic crystal-based physics, devices, technologies and applications
(1) Silicon photonic crystals for optical integration
(2) Ferroelectric nonlinear photonic crystals for high-efficiency frequency conversion
(3) Polymer Kerr nonlinear photonic crystals for ultrafast optical switching and logic devices
(4) Magneto-optical photonic crystals for nonreciprocal electromagnetic devices
(5) 3D photonic crystals for optical integration
(6) Microfiber-based photonic crystals for optical sensing and integration
2. Plasmonics-based physics, devices, technologies and applications
(1) Nanoparticle-based localized plasmonics: resonance control and applications
(2) Wavefront control of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in planar metallic nanostructures
(3) Light-matter interactions in metallic nanostructures
(4) SPP amplification and spasing in metallic nanostructures
3. Advanced technologies for micro-/nano-fabrications and manipulations
(1) EBL-/FIB-based 2D fabrication technologies
(2) 3D fabrication with direct laser writing and hybrid technologies
(3) Optical tweezers for bio-/nano-photonic manipulations
(4) Micro-/Nano-fiber-based fabrication technologies
4. Invention, development and application of nanophotonics theoretical approaches and numerical methods
(1) Development and application of numerical approaches based on Maxwell’s equations, including plane-wave expansion method (PWEM), plane-wave transfer-matrix method (PWTMM), discrete-dipole approximation method (DDA), finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD), analytical modal expansion method, multiple scattering method, and Mie theory.
(2) Vectorial quantum optics method and photon local density of states concept, and their application to quantum optics in micro/nanostructures.
(3) Nonlinear transfer-matrix method and effective nonlinear susceptibility model and their applications.
(4) Analytical semiclassic nanolaser theory and its applications.
(5) Surface electromagnetic wave holography methodology and its application to SPP wavefront shaping.
(6) Nonlinear coupled-mode theory and its application to nanoscale nonlinear optics.
(7) Molecule self-interaction Raman theory and its application to TERS and SERS.